Fatmagul is a Turkish drama series which is premiered on Zindagi TV. This drama series is based on a novel “Fatmagulun Sucu Ne?” which means “what is Fatmagul’s fault?” This novel was written by...
Fatmagul is a Turkish drama series which is premiered on Zindagi TV. This drama series is based on a novel “Fatmagulun Sucu Ne?” which means “what is Fatmagul’s fault?” This novel was written by...
Zindagi TV which is one of India’s Premium TV channels released a new show named Feriha in September 2015. This is actually a Turkish TV serial, which is written by Melis Civelek and Sirma...
Amidst the interesting stories of various Hindi serials shown on Sony TV here is this another one which has lured the audience towards itself. Ek Duje Ke Vaaste, is one more example of a...
Pakistani serials have always been known for being a imperious, perfect blend of drama, music, and appealing scripts. They do not continue for ages unlike serials of other origins. They aim to provide entertainment...
The sitcom series Bahu Humari RajniKant has managed to grab the attention of the audience with its unique concept and hilarious dialogues. The story till now has shown Rajni as a super robot whom...
The serial Udaan of Colors Television has received great accolades from the audience because of its unique concept and storyline. The latest episode showed us some cosy moment between Vivaan and Chakor. The children...
Well , well , well !!!, this Sunday’s episode of Yeh hai Mohabbatein was high voltage drama. It was Mihika and Romi’s wedding and finally its was happening but when both Iyer and Bhalla...
There has been some recent drama in, more commonly known as India’s no 1 comedy show “Comedy Nights with Kapil“. Sunil Grover, who is known for the character of Guthii is leaving the show....
Chandani bhagwa & Nishad vaidya They played an average indian couple, who had a not so hunky-dory arranged, in Amita Ka Amit. But in real life, Chandini and Nishad just can’t get enough of...
The character Guthhi is getting really famous and appreciated by audience as she’s so hilarious and fun to watch in reality show Comedy Nights with Kapil. He’s a boy named Sunil Grover who acts like a girl...