Maat (Pakistani TV Series)
Being a Pakistani Drama series, Maat was firstly introduced on Hum TV in Pakistan. After on, the show went on popular, and it was aired in four other countries including Iraq, India, UK, and...
Being a Pakistani Drama series, Maat was firstly introduced on Hum TV in Pakistan. After on, the show went on popular, and it was aired in four other countries including Iraq, India, UK, and...
Dev DD 2 is an Hindi web series, full of romance, and drama. Produced by Ekta Kapoor and Shoba Kapoor and directed by Ken Ghosh under Balaji Telefilms, the series has commenced its journey...
A successful Hindi television serial, Punyashlok Ahilyabai which is premiered on Sony Entertainment Television has been standing in awe, since 4th January 2021. Outlining the memoir of Queen Ahilyabai Holkar, the serial is based...
Yeh Rishtey Hain Pyaar Ke series is produced by Rajan Shahi in the banner of Director’s Kut Production. This series was aired on Star Plus. Storyline This story is an Indian romantic comedy family...
Namak Issk Ka is an Indian television drama that premiered on Colors. Started in the year 2020 and produced by Gul Khan and Deepti Kalwani, under the banner 4 Lion Films, this show has...
Krishnadasi, a Hindi Soap Opera, is the remake of Tamil serial that was aired on Sun TV in 2000 & 2002. This serial is based on a novel written by Indra Sounder Rajan. The...
This is a new serial from the genre of Hindi comedy drama series. It is a really interesting family oriented serial. Since its release on 18th July 2016, it has garnered a lot of...
**A TRUE LESSON FROM SPIRITUALITY** Jai Hanuman Giaan Gunn Saagar. Jai Kapiis Tihu Lok Ujaagar! Those of you who are religiously & spiritually inclined must be surely aware of this Mantra. All of us...
Diya aur Baati Hum serial has got the highest TRP. It is a daily soap which airs on Star Plus. It started on 29 August 2011 and is also dubbed in Tamil known as...
Comedy Nights with Kapil a comedy show on colors. Kapil Sharma is seen in multiple roles of an actor, scriptwriter and producer in his production debut . He presents everyday life in a fresh ad...